COVID-19 Remuneration Adjustments October 2020

We are continuing to monitor ASX 200 remuneration adjustments in light of COVID-19.

As of close of business on the 5th of November 2020, there have been 94 ASX 200 companies (47%) which have announced COVID-19 related remuneration adjustments, applicable in FY20, FY21 or both.

Table 1 lists October remuneration adjustments being applied to key management personnel (KMP) executives and non-executive directors (NEDs). These disclosures are all from FY20 annual reports or the accompanying notice of meeting.

TFR refers to total fixed remuneration, STI refers to short-term incentive and LTI refers to long-term incentive. ‘$ND’ refers to a remuneration adjustment that was disclosed without its magnitude and ‘ND’ refers to not disclosed.

Table 1: New ASX 200 companies remuneration adjustments

To view previous COVID-19 analysis (see HERE and HERE).

Alternatively, click HERE to view select fields within our database with all COVID-19 remuneration adjustments for ASX200 companies. If you require access to additional data fields or analyses such as an industry breakdown of remuneration adjustments, dividend adjustments, market capitalisation changes and all things remuneration related, contact us at

As Guerdon Associates continues to monitor ASX200 companies for remuneration adjustments, further statistical analyses will be provided in forthcoming articles linked to our monthly GuerdonNews® summary and on our website.

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