Save the date – Remuneration Forum on 21 March 2011

Mark your calendars.  The 2011 Remuneration Forum for board directors and institutional investors is scheduled for 21 March.


The Forum is Australia’s only annual opportunity for directors and their companies’ institutional investors to openly discuss remuneration levels, structure and governance.  The Chatham House Rule applies.  This allows for a frank exchange of views and constructive debate about what constitutes good remuneration governance. 


Guerdon Associates and proxy advisory firm CGI Glass Lewis sponsor the Forum.


In addition to board directors and institutional investors, we also invite company executives, government regulators and companies’ in house remuneration advisers.  However, to ensure open discussion, news media are excluded.  Note that this does no prevent any attendee making a statement to the media after the event, providing the Chatham House Rule is maintained.  See HERE for the Chatham House Rule


The content, speakers and venue for the Forum are still being finalised.  However, given the federal government’s commitment to release draft legislation “in coming weeks” (see HERE), CAMAC’s report on remuneration report “simplification” also due, and the recent end of a particularly interesting (did we hear some directors, and investors, say “irksome”?) proxy season, the Forum promises to again be content rich with thought provoking issues, ideas, perspectives and solutions.


This is the fifth annual Forum in the series.


This Forum will be held in Sydney.


Invitations with Forum program details will be sent in late January and early February.  However, to reserve your place, send an email to .