Guerdon Associates combines its extensive consulting experience, research skills and GuerdonData® to bring subscribers up to date, incisive analyses of executive and director remuneration. Our publications include:
GuerdonNews®, Australia’s first executive and board remuneration newsletter. GuerdonNews® contains legislative updates, market level updates, the latest research, governance issues and a host of other relevant articles for the busy director and executive. It is emailed monthly (excepting January). GuerdonNews® is offered as a free subscription.
Research articles, with the specific company rankings and data. Find out how your company rates on the many facets of research undertaken by Guerdon Associates each year.
Executive remuneration reports, covering remuneration levels, structures, performance measures, shareholdings etc for executives broken down by company size, position and industry.
Board reports, covering director remuneration by role, industry, and company size, as well as board structures and workloads.
Most publications are updated annually or semi annually, allowing the board and executive team to obtain an appreciation of the market remuneration levels, increases, structures, and sensitivities to corporate performance for specific industries, market capitalisations and specific positions. Analyses are supplemented with at-a-glance graphics.
If a publication does not exist to meet your company’s specific board or executive remuneration needs, contact us to undertake the research and prepare a tailored report for you.