We are pleased to announce that GuerdonData™ subscribers will soon have access to a new series of reports. “Board Reports” focus on directors’ committee memberships and chairmanships, work loads and meeting attendance, board membership and total emoluments across all ASX 300 boards, shareholdings, independence, years of service, and company performance. In addition, for each board, subscribers can access a summary of its committees and the membership of these committees.
As with GuerdonData™’s “Remuneration Reports”, data will be updated daily as each company releases its annual disclosures.
Board reports will be available to subscribers from mid-December.
As with Remuneration Reports, first year corporate subscribers have unlimited access to all reports.
Stay tuned for further services that will be made available to subscribers next year.
For more information on GuerdonData™, click here.
© Guerdon Associates 2025