
Board Effectiveness Review


One of the most powerful tools for developing a high performing board is the Board Effectiveness Review. Many boards elect to undertake such reviews on an annual basis, but the Guerdon Associates approach is based on a continuous assessment of board performance and behaviour using the Board Pulse Check App.

Information about the Board’s performance is collected from directors at the end of each board meeting, using a mobile phone or tablet. This data is then held in a database, and the annual performance review is based upon data collected from all of the meetings held throughout the year as well as a ‘deep dive’ snapshot of board effectiveness at a particular point in time.

Our approach is also differentiated from other providers by:

  •  A focus on the key issues that the board needs to address, rather than an ‘audit-style’ approach which focuses on a myriad of small, but relatively unimportant concerns. We use confidential, off-the-record interviews in order to flesh out and understand the director’s primary concerns, and ensure that Guerdon Associates’ review focuses on those concerns (the ’80-20’ rule)
  • A streamlined, customised questionnaire that resonates with and has relevance for directors, as it taps in to their concerns
  • An opportunity for directors to put their comments ‘on-the-record’, and with the ability to maintain confidentiality, and are developed into key themes
  • A high level of personal contact with directors, to give them confidence in how their concerns will be raised with the rest of the board, and the process for resolving them
  • A focus on high priority areas for improvement, by measuring the gap between importance and effectiveness

Contact us for more information.