Did you receive your invitation to the Remuneration Forum?

The Forum, in its fourth year, is open to board directors, institutional investors and company executives.  In addition, as with last year’s Forum, we are also inviting regulators.  Invitations to the Forum were distributed via email on 31 March.


The Forum is sponsored by Guerdon Associates and CGI Glass Lewis, and hosted by Allens Arthur Robinson.  This year the Forum is being held in Melbourne.


The Forum will begin with a concise update on key developments in the UK and USA from a speaker who is well-known in each of those major markets. The first of two main sessions will then address the government’s response to the final recommendations of the Productivity Commission. The second main session will deal with board remuneration committee capability, which is now a leading edge issue following the Commission’s core findings, as well as a requirement in APRA guidelines.


There will be an introduction and an initial speaker for each main session, followed by a panel discussion with ample time for Q&A from the floor.


As usual, the Chatham House Rule will apply, to facilitate frank and open debate.  Because of this news media are excluded from attending.


Eric Mayne, Chairman of the ASX Corporate Governance Council, will be the initial speaker for Session 1 as the Council features in a number of the Commission’s recommendations.  APRA Member John Trowbridge will have a similar role for Session 2, as APRA’s remuneration standards come into force for its regulated entities on April 1, including guidelines for board remuneration committee capability. 


We hope you can join us. See HERE for program and speaker details.   

Newsletter readers who are board directors, institutional investors, company executives or a regulator or legislator who have not received an invitation and who like to attend are requested to contact us at info@GuerdonAssociates.com to arrange registration.


Other details are noted below:


Date:  Monday, 3 May 2010

8am   – registration and coffee 
8.30am   – forum commences

12.45pm   – networking and light lunch 
2pm   – forum and lunch conclude 
Venue:  Allens Arthur Robinson, Level 34, 530 Collins Street, Melbourne 
Cost:  Yes, there is one, which varies with your organisation’s numbers attending and whether your organisation subscribes to CGI Glass Lewis reports.  We will forward you details.

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