Remuneration and Governance Forum

The afternoon of 12 March 2020 in Sydney, and the morning of 17 March 2020 in Perth

Regulators want to see boards better consider non-financial risk, and recognise how well it is managed through executive pay. Institutional investors and proxy advisers have pushed back, preferring to pay people for producing profit rather than reducing risk of loss.

Then there is pressure on boards to use less discretion. Investors and regulators say that although boards have the power, they rarely use it to dock pay. And when used to increase pay, investors invariably do not like it. So take the discretion out of it by using a more structured “consequence management” policy that voids the need to consider discretion.

On top of this is the insistence of some investors and activists wanting more than just profit. They also want companies to better consider how the profit is made.

What are the perspectives of board directors, regulators and shareholders in navigating these minefields?

These issues will be a key focus of our 14th Remuneration and Governance Forum, co-sponsored by Guerdon Associates and proxy adviser CGI Glass Lewis.

Save the date – the afternoon of 12 March in Sydney, and the morning of 17 March in Perth. These dates are after APRA will release its new pay regulation requiring long incentive pay deferral, and non-financial as well as financial measures of performance. It will also follow ASIC’s report on remuneration governance in a sample of Australia’s largest companies.

So, there will be plenty to fret about, debate and, as with past Forums, reach a consensus on.

As in past Forums, the Chatham House Rule applies. News media will be excluded. Open and frank discussion is encouraged.

Watch your inbox for an invitation. If you think you may not be on the list, let us know by sending an email to us HERE .

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