Remuneration Forum program

The annual morning Remuneration Forum for investors, directors and executives on the 21 March has published its program.


The Forum program can be found HERE.


The program begins with a concise update on key developments in the UK and USA and on the recent Australian proxy season from an experienced practitioner in each of those major markets. The Honourable Mr. David Bradbury, MP, Parliamentary Secretary responsible for tax and corporate law, will then address the Forum in the first main session on the government’s new pay legislation. He will take questions. The Bill for this legislation is currently before the lower house and, in its present form, poses challenging and early ramifications for both corporates and institutional investors. The second main session will examine whether governance guidelines are frustrating the proper design of company specific executive remuneration. This is another highly important and topical issue affecting both corporates and institutional investors. CGI Glass Lewis will be taking account of the outcome of this debate in its 2011 review of its proxy voting guidelines. Each main session will be assisted by a panel discussion of speakers with highly relevant practical experience and there will be ample time for Q&A. As usual, the Chatham House Rule will apply, to facilitate frank and open debate.


Because of the logistics associated with ensuring Mr. Bradbury has time to address these questions, it would be helpful and efficient if Forum attendees could forward questions through to us at  We can then try and make sure these are put to Mr. Bradbury at the Forum in the limited time available.


If you are a director, institutional investor, regulator or part of executive management, and have not received an invitation to the Forum, please contact us.


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