The government’s response to the Australian Productivity Commission – Remuneration Forum for directors and institutional investors now on 3 May

The government has indicated that its response to the Productivity Commission report on executive pay will be released just prior to Easter.  The timing is coincident with not only the Easter holidays, but also school holidays, leading up to the Anzac day holiday weekend.  This is unfortunate timing, as we are sure that at least some stakeholders may be pleased with some aspects of the government’s response, precluding some positive reaction during a very slow period in the news media calendar.  Besides, use of this window may prevent a similarly timed release of the Henry review on taxation, which some wags indicate is sure to please just about everyone (…who is not taxed). 


In any case, this has necessitated a change to the timing of the Remuneration Forum’s date to 3 May. 


The forum, sponsored by Guerdon Associates and proxy advisers CGI Glass Lewis, will be held at Allens Arthur Robinson’s offices, Level 34, 530 Collins Street, Melbourne.


At this year’s forum we will have keynote speakers addressing:


·   The government’s response to the Productivity Commission report on executive pay, and


·   Board capability on pay matters


Panels comprising institutional investors and board directors will be responding to keynote speakers.  In addition, this year’s program allows more time for discussion and questions from attendees.  Note that no news media will be attending, and the forum operates under the Chatham House Rule to facilitate frank and open discussion.


Invitations will be extended to institutional investors, non executive directors and executives in the next few weeks.  If you are interested in attending please contact us.

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