We are continuing to monitor ASX 200 remuneration adjustments in light of COVID-19.
As of close of business on the 8th of October 2020, there have been 87 ASX 200 companies which have announced COVID-19 related remuneration adjustments, applicable in FY20, FY21 or both.
Table 1 lists September remuneration adjustments being applied to key management personnel (KMP) executives and non-executive directors (NEDs). These disclosures are all from FY20 annual reports.
TFR refers to total fixed remuneration, STI refers to short-term incentive and LTI refers to long-term incentive. ‘$ND’ refers to a remuneration adjustment that was disclosed without its magnitude and ‘ND’ refers to not disclosed.
Table 1: New ASX 200 companies remuneration adjustments
To view previous COVID-19 analysis, see HERE and HERE.
Alternatively, click HERE to view our database with all COVID-19 remuneration adjustments for ASX200 companies.
As Guerdon Associates continues to monitor ASX200 companies for remuneration adjustments, further statistical analyses will be provided in forthcoming articles linked to our monthly GuerdonNews® summary and on our website. For an industry breakdown of remuneration adjustments, dividend adjustments, market capitalisation changes and all things remuneration related, contact us at info@www.guerdonassociates.com
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