The Parliamentary review of consulting firms’ conflicts of interest

What this means for remuneration committeesRead more read more

Are CEOs receiving salary increases higher or lower than wage and CPI inflation?

Better not to be a large company CEO…Read more read more

ISS wants boards to disclose board racial and ethnic diversity details

Or else…Read more read more

UK Investment Association responds to capital market’s pushback on excessive remuneration constraints

An example to lighten up, simplify, and be more flexible?Read more read more

ACSI’s Stewardship Report 2023-24

The most popular ESG topic for engagement is remuneration.Read more read more

High Executive Pay "no" Votes: A 10 point post AGM checklist

The journey to get shareholders and proxy advisors on side, or notRead more read more

What proportion of NEDs resign before their independence is compromised?

Addressing the concerns of proxy advisors and investors with a market practice benchmark.Read more read more

Executives may want to avoid the industrials sector if incentivised to reduce carbon emissions

Difficulties in reducing carbon emissions to realise incentive paymentsRead more read more

What is the likelihood of the CEO’s LTI vesting?

We run the numbers.Read more read more

What proportion of CEO annual incentive actually pays out?

A reversion to the historical mean.Read more read more